A Pyramid Approach to AWS Data Analytics
A Pyramid Approach to AWS Data Analytics Overview Nowadays we are producing data every second. According to Domo, “ Data never sleeps .” There are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created each day; however, these values are changing rapidly day by day. I would like to emphasise it is more exponential growth than linear that brings a new challenge and new business strategies in the tech world, where the largest organizations will be engaged in finding an analytics data solution. In my previous blog I explained how to collect and transform data located in different AWS accounts and regions. Often, however, the enterprise company has data everywhere, not only in the cloud. One of the most common questions that I get from customers is: Which AWS services fit well with my requirements to improve my experience with data analytics? So here I would like to show you the data model represented in a Pyramid that may be useful and provide the results you’re seeking. I wou...